General Ledger management


How to edit General Ledger Balance key

How to find General Ledger?

To find General ledger settings, you should:

1. Press   and then press ;

2. Press ;

How to get incomes or outcomes to Balance automatically?

To send incomes or outcomes to Balance automatically. You could set payments or outcomes with one VAT or multiple.

How to get incomes or outcomes to Balance automatically with one VAT?

If you would like to get a sum and you would have only one VAT, you should:

1. Press

Now you can see the dialogue table:

2. Choose Debit or Credit Accounting category

3. Press

You could choose these Accounting categories:

Accounting categoryWhere could you set it?
Sales total
Sales sum
Sales VAT
Total Purchase sum
Purchase sum
Purchase VAT
Salary expenses crdt
Salary expenses crdt
Sales income crdtInvoice Credit
Sales income dbitInvoice Debit
Purchase expenses crdt
Purchase expenses dbit
Cash in crdt
Cash in dbit
Card in crdt
Card in dbit
Material purchase
Materials consumption
Inventory purchase
Inventory consumption
Fix assets purchaseAssets purchase
Fix assets amortization
Fix assets
Income to assets
Products purchase
Services purchase
Other purchase


Material Purchase

1. Press ;

2. Choose Credit accounting category ;

3. Now You can see it in Material Purchase;


1. Press ;

2. Choose Debit accounting categories ;

3. Now You can see them in the Invoice;

How to get incomes or outcomes to Balance automatically with different VAT?

First of all, you should set the accounting category to VAT


1. Press   and then press ;

2. Press ;

3. Press ;

4. Choose Accounting category in Balance Key;

5. Press

6. Do it to all VAT types


You should set Materials Types and Materials. Do it to all your Materials Types and Materials:

Materials Types

1. Press and then ;

2. Choose Accounting category in Balance Key;


1. Press and then;

2. Choose Materials;

3. Make sure that the Material's Type is the same as you have set up before

4. Choose VAT

Now you can see Accounting categories in the Materials Purchase

Products / Articles

Articles Types

1. Press , press and then(see into the picture below);

2. Choose Type;

3. Accounting category in Balance Key


1. Press and then press ;

2. Choose the Article;

3. Make sure that the Article's Type is the same as you have set up before in Articles Types;

4. Choose VAT.

Now you can see different Accounting categories in the Product Purchase

How to edit General Ledger Balance key?

1. Press

2. Press

3. Press

4. Choose Balanse category from list