Organisation templates

Organisation's fields for templates

We can add Organisation fields to templates. We will show which fields of Organisation we can add to templates.

How to find Organisation's settings?

Accounting -> Settings  -> 

Templates codeWhat it indicates and example ()
{{ system.organisationName }}Organisation name (3T-Transfers Technologies for Textile)
{{ organisation_alias }}Organisation name in short (3T)
{{ organisation_email }}Official organisation email address (
{{ organisation_website }}Official organisation website url (
{{ system.organisationAddress | raw }}Organisation address (break row if address is long) (Sausio 13-osios g. 2  LT-04343, Vilnius, Lithuania)
{{ system.organisationCode }}Organisation code (301170040)
{{ system.organisationVatCode }}Organisation VAT code (LT100003616216)


Continue organisation's settings


Templates codeWhat it indicates and example ()
{{ system.organisationBank }}Organisation bank name (SWEDBANK)
{{ system.organisationBankCode }}Organisation bank code (73000)
{{ system.organisationSwift }}Organisation bank SWIFT code (HABALT22)
{{ system.organisationAccount }}Organisation bank account (LT757300010121375776)