

Here you can see all generated Employees' salaries.

ButtonWhat does it indicate?
Buttons in top
You could generate the salary for all employees
You could send Template to Employee
Buttons in every line
You could go to Employee's salary
You could confirm the salary (confirmed salary has button  ) or unconfirm the salary (unconfirmed salary has button  )
You could generate the salary for particular employees
You could edit all taxes and salary
You could delete generated salary

RowWhat does it indicate?How it is calculated?
Date of the record created


Employee name and surname


Employee role


Employee specialistaion


Salary period year-month


Netto salary


Brutto salaryBrutton salary comes from the contract


Basic monthly salary (bma)

Worked hourly value * (Haurly salary or Brutto salary / Worked hourly value)

Basic monthly hours (bmv)

Month working hours (dmv)

Worked hourly value (dmvv)

Overtime hours (vv)

Overtime premiums (vvv)

Worked hourly value * overtime hours * overtime rate

Night working hours (nv)

Hours employee worked at nightIt comes from the schedule

Night working payments (nvv)

Worked hourly value  * Night working hours  * Night rate

Weekend working hours (sv)

Working premiums (svv)

Worked hourly value  * Weekend working hours * Holiday rate 

Holidays hours worked

The value of worked hours during the holidays

Holidays worked value

Worked hourly value  * Holidays hours worked * Holiday rate

Days of sickness (ld)

Days of sickness that are written in the employee schedule

Sickness Payments (lp)

Days of sickness * average salary * sickness coefficient / 100 * contract work hours

Parental Payments (mmd)

Average hour value

Production premiums (ppp)

Resident Income Tax (gpm)

Sickness Income Tax (gpmlp)

Sickness Payments * Gpm rate/ 100

Employee Paid Social Insurance Tax (sd)

Accumulative pension insurance %

Accumulative pension insurance sum

Pension Social Insurance (psd)

Other premiums

Other deductions

Employer Paid Social Insurance Tax (dmsdm)

Unemployment insurance paid by employer (dmbdd)

Unemployment insurance paid by employee (bdd)

Employeer taxes discount (dmtl)

Progressive income tax (pit)

Tax-free part (pnpd)

Stamp tax (stamp_tax)

Accumulated yearly salary (ays)


Total employee costBrutto

Vacation payments

Vacation days * average salary * contract work hours

Vacation days

Variable part